The Magick of Vervain

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Date(s) - 05/26/2022
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Thursday May 26, 2022, 7 – 9:30 PM Eastern 


In Person and Online, $35


The Robin’s Nest
799 S. Main St #9 Bellingham, MA 02019

508.244.4881 ~

Vervain is one of the Witch’s most versatile allies in magick, used for almost any intention including protection, healing, love, prosperity, psychic ability,  and spirit flight. The medicine of Vervain, both white and blue, or European and American, is used to settle the overactive mind that results in anxiety and fear for the future. Vervain’s spirit helps us be in the present, in our bodies, and feel that all is well no matter our circumstances, without sedating or impairing our consciousness in other ways. Learn about how Vervain grows, how to harvest it, and its folklore, spells, charms, potions, and flower essence. Through ritual sacrament journey to meet the plant spirit of Vervain, its oversoul, and commune with the green wisdom, power and love of this beautiful Witch’s herb. For those attending online, prepare a vervain tea, or a few drops of tincture or flower essence in water.