Date(s) - 07/26/2019
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Who and what are the gods of the Witches? The form of the gods changes its shape around the central core of mystery. At different levels and different points upon the path, they shift their role and function. To different groups they appear in varied ways, yet are all still part of the fundamental deities of the Witch. At times the Goddess is triple and he is dual, and others the God is triple and she is dual. Each embodies a deep teaching. Come and explore the Goddess as the Great Mother, Witch Queen, Blood Mother, Dark One, Triple Goddess of Fate, Earth Mother, Enchantress, and Star Goddess. Seek the God as Witch Father, King of the Land and the Dead, Trickster, Green Man, Horned One, Dual God of the Gates, Light Bearer, Forrest Lord and Star Father. Find the Two Who Move As One in the Divine Heart, Mind, and Will.
Cost: $35