Date(s) - 06/15/2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Rite of Forgiveness of Self and Others: Archangel Tzadkiel
June 15, 2022
7 – 9 PM Eastern via ZOOM
Individual Ritual: $35
Registration Link for Rite of Forgiveness
Archangel Tzadkiel, the Archangel of Jupiter is the spirit of freedom, acceptance, mercy, and benevolence. Tzadkiel is called upon to help us forgive others and to forgive ourselves, aligning us with divine mercy to atone and release all that does not serve a greater good. Let the expansive power of Jupiter expand your heart as it expands the distance between you and those who would do harm. Acknowledge your own mistakes. With this visionary ritual, let go of the mistakes of others. Give yourself the gift of freedom and grow lighter in the world. .