Rite of Clearing, Cord Cutting, and Protection: Archangel Michael

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Date(s) - 08/24/2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Rite of Clearing, Cord Cutting, and Protection: Archangel Michael

August 24, 2022

7 – 9 PM Eastern via ZOOM
Individual Ritual: $35


Our journey is often described as a road or path, and upon that path obstacles are placed, blocking the way and creating conflict. Our first step in the process of resolution is to clear the way, cut the cords, and be protected, and no better ally than Archangel Michael can help us. The archangel who challenges us to be like the divine is a protector and warrior, the guardian of the element of fire and the Sun, but also a healer and a guide to souls. Ask Archangel Michael to cut the threads of that that no longer serves your highest good in this ritual to honor and commune with him.