Esoteric Visionary Rituals: The Temple of Thoth


Seek the wisdom of this Sage God, sometimes Ibis-Headed, and sometimes Ape-Headed, in this inner world temple and record hall. Learn from him the meaning of the magickal voice, of science and sorcery, and the creation of the cosmos. Learn what Thoth has to teach you for the unfolding of the world.


Part Six of the Esoteric Visionary Rituals series, lessons on a wide range of esoteric topics with each culminating in a deep, guided journey featuring music specially-composed for the ritual to encounter the powers and forces described in each class. No specific prior knowledge is needed, only a willingness to dive deep and experience directly.

You can get this individual ritual, mp4 video recording and pdf notes, or download the entire series of twelve rituals for just $350 (like getting two of the rituals for free).

The Temple of Thoth

Thoth. Tehuti. Hermes Trismegistus. Mercurius ter Maximus. Scribe of the Gods. Magician. Trickster. Guide. Creator. Lord of the Moon. Master of Alchemy. Keeper of the Sacred Word. Seek the wisdom of this Sage God, sometimes Ibis Headed, and sometimes Ape Headed, in this inner world temple and record hall. Learn from him the meaning of the magickal voice, of science and sorcery, and the creation of the cosmos. Learn what Thoth has to teach you for the unfolding of the world. A pen and a blank sheet of paper will be needed to draw symbols of evocation as we begin the working.