The Esoteric Visionary Rituals series offers twelve lessons on a wide range of topics, each culminating in a deep, guided journey featuring music specially-composed for the ritual. This download offers just the musical compositions from that series, for students who might wish to use it for their own further journey work. The twelve tracks included are:
- The Seven Heavens
- Evocation to Bridget
- Past Life Healing Ritual
- Earth Mother
- The King of the Hollow Hill
- The Temple of Thoth
- The Psychic Eye
- The Healing Temple
- The Call of the Morrighan
- The Horned God and the Wild Hunt
- The Masters of Shamballa
- The Gate of Dreaming
Each track is also available separately for $1.99, but you get them all for $20. The music is incorporated into the video meditations for the Visionary Rituals series, but this provides just the music track, separate from the ritual video itself.