Category: Articles
An archive of Christopher’s Articles about a wide variety of topics.

Dreams of Timewave Zero
So I have been thinking a lot about Terrance McKenna’s Timewave Zero Theory regarding information and novelty and its correspondence to the 2012 phenomenon. For those unfamiliar, Terrence was a pioneer into the use of entheogens in our modern society. As an...
Invasive Magick/Pervasive Healing
We are seemingly besieged by invasive species. We live in a world out of balance; things are going haywire. Or are they unfolding in the most perfect ways that we cannot yet comprehend? I’ve had teachers I respect on both sides of that argument, and it makes me think...
Lions and Dogs and Goddesses, Oh My! – Exploring the Lion’s Gate & Free Guided Meditation
Art: Leo by Johfra Bosschart, the Zodiac Series In 2020, amid the Covid quarantine, I dove deep into the Lion’s Gate. I was researching the Dog Star Sirius, its relationship with ancient Egypt and the evolution of some summer festivals, while at the same time working...
Queer Pride, Witchcraft, and Living Life
This month being Queer Pride, I realize these days I say very little about it. I find as I walk deeper into my mad Merlin phase of my life and once easy details and linear processes become more and more of a challenge to the mystical side of me, a lot of my...