Author: Christopher Penczak

Tarot Articles-Tea with the High Priestess
(Originally appearing in Kaleidoscope.) The pictures in the Tarot deck are not just pictures. They are real. They are living energy. They represent the archetypal forces in our collective unconsciousness. They appear in our dreams, our religions and our vision quests....
Tarot Articles-The Death Card: The End Is A New Beginning
(Originally appearing in Kaleidoscope.) Samhain is the time of year when witches honor the spirits of those who have passed before us. The veil between the worlds of the living and dead are the thinnest. Images of death surround us. As a professional Tarot card...
Witches, shamans and mystics are walkers between the worlds. We walk between the seen and unseen, working with the subtle forces of nature. We walk with the past, present and future. We commune with distant stars. And we work with spirits. Spirits are a non-physical...
At the heart of the practice of witchcraft, paganism and magick is sacred space. Although we honor sacred sites of the ancient world, our temples are not isolated to specific buildings. Everywhere is sacred. Wherever we are is our temple. The ritual of the circle is...