Author: Christopher Penczak

The Aeon and Judgement
“Judge not least ye be judged!” is not a part of my spiritual paradigm. I understand, and generally agree with the intention many have behind the sentiment. Mind your own business. You don’t have the full story all the time. Don’t assume a harmful motive of someone’s...
Playing the Wizard’s Game
Edited by Tina Whittle Recently I wrote, “Many people in Paganism, magick, Wicca, and Witchcraft are often faking it, though faking it with sincerity. They play out roles of what they believe, hope, and wish to be.” These words were in the context of dedicating...
The Magick Of Digestion
You are what you eat. This is not just a physical teaching. For the magician, it applies to the diet of art, music, literature and most importantly ideas. We are composite beings, made up from all the experiences we have had. Just as our cells are made from the...
Death My Ally
If the current state of the world doesn’t have you thinking about your own death, you are missing out. Yes, I know it sounds morbid, but if you are on a magickal path, a mystery of initiation which goes beyond the formal rituals into the very mysteries of...