The Adoration of the Witches

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Date(s) - 12/16/2020
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


To register, please contact for registration link. 


The Winter Solstice and Christmas tradition are irrevocably linked together today. Even those who wish to focus exclusively on Yule find themselves celebrating secular Christmas traditions with family, and often discount some of the more mystical lore around the Christmas Season. Through this workshop, let us explore those mysteries, particularly the mystery of Adoration of the Three Magi, otherwise known as the Feast of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. The Three Kings are considered magicians, astrologers and wise men. In Italian folk tradition their tale is connected to Befana, the Christmas Witch. Many British folk customs around the twelve days of Christmas, often enchanting modern Witches, culminates with Epiphany and then Plough Monday. Celebrated with music, food, chalking the door and other home blessings as the Yule decorations are taken down. What is hidden in the meaning of their three gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh? What can Witches and Pagans today, looking through the lens of Love, Power, and Wisdom, learn about those who follow the star seeking the light of the world? The night will consist of a short lecture and break followed by a long vision working and end with a Q&A and sharing time. You can use this material to deepen your own personal Yule celebrations at home this year, and support the Temple of Witchcraft community. 


Cost: $25