Date(s) - 04/01/2021
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Online Sabbatic Class and Guided Ritual
Hosted by Robin’s Nest and the Temple of Witchcraft
April 1, 7-9 PM Eastern
To register, please visit:
Lady’s Day : An Online Sabbatic Class and Guided Ritual with Christopher Penczak
Confirmed registrants will get a zoom link to join the event. Live Event Only.
Cost: $25
While many in this season celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ through the holiday of Easter, there are many Pagan myths of the death and resurrections of the land by the Goddess, or through the blessings of the Lady’s power. Even our modern Earth Day celebration is at this time. As one of the movable Christian feasts determined by the lunar calendar, we can see the influence of the Goddess upon even our current easter myths, as our folkloric celebrations relate to the goddess Eostre. Even the Christian tradition of the fourteen Stations of the Cross, half a lunar cycle, relate to the fourteen pieces of the dead god Osiris. The descent and return of the underworld goddess Persephone speaks to the springtime mystery, as do the resurrection of the lovers and husbands of the Goddess in the form of the agricultural gods, including Dumuzi, Tammuz, Osiris, Adonis, and Dionysus. The equinox is both a time of balance between the light and dark and the initial of the solar agricultural year, with the Sun entering the sign of Aries. Through the stories of Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite and Persephone, we will investigate the relationship between death, the light of the underworld, resurrection and rebirth. The night will consist of a lecture and break followed by a long vision working and end with a Q&A and sharing time. You can use this material to deepen your own personal spring celebrations at home this year, and support Robin’s Nest and the Temple of Witchcraft community.