Aquarius Rite: Bearing the Phoenix of Light (Ritual) – Between the Worlds Conference 

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Date(s) - 04/06/2023 - 04/09/2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Aquarius Rite: Bearing the Phoenix of Light (Ritual)

Between the Worlds Conference 

The work of Aquarius is the work of community, embracing both the paradigm shifting rebel  and the spirit of social responsibility. Aquarius creates, kindles and stirs the cauldron of community for our service and evolution. Titled the Water Bearer, this air sign is often aligned with the image of the Eagle of Zeus, and the divine light bearers, Prometheus and Lumiel. In the Glastonbury Zodiac, Aquarius is presented as the Phoenix, the divine bird of fire and resurrection, bearing the New Aeon to the world. Through this sacred rite, bear the blessings of water, of air, and of fire to our community.